This section covers using Python to read, use or manipulate data from various sources. Send out automatic and customised emails with Python. We use a gmail account for this task because it has proven to us to be less problematic.
for this project we will use a gmail mail account. A change in the security setting of gmail will meed to be made to allow Python to access your gmail. It is very easy to make the change, you simple turn on allow 3rd party apps setting and it is easy to turn off again when your are not using Python to access your email.
To turn on the feature on your gmail account to allow Python to access follow these steps:
1: Go to
2: Click on the security setting on the left
3: Find the option for 'Less secure App access'
4: Click 'Turn on access'
5: Click the switch to allow access.
Note: It is easy to turn this back off at any time and we recommend you leave it off when you are not testing/using your program.
1: Go to
2: Click on the security setting on the left
3: Find the option for 'Less secure App access'
4: Click 'Turn on access'
5: Click the switch to allow access.
Note: It is easy to turn this back off at any time and we recommend you leave it off when you are not testing/using your program.
This first method shows how to send a basic email containing plain text and no subject comment. It is just 5 lines of code and useful to test everything is working, after using this method we suggest moving to the next stage to make your code better and your emails more comprehensive. Try the code below, remember to replace the details 'MYEMAILADDRESS' , 'MYPASSWORD' and ' RECEIVEREMAIL' with your details.
import smtplib server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", 465) #Connects to the server server.login("[email protected]", "MYPASSOWRD") #Passes in your email address and password to login server.sendmail("[email protected]","[email protected]","Hello world") #Details of -FROM, TO. MESSAGE server.quit()#Disconnects from the server after send
Hopefully the method above worked and you were able to send your first email, the method has its limitations so this section take you through a more comprehensive method with better code and more control over your email. This method shows how to use passwords stored locally so you do not need to show them in your python program. To learn more on this watch the video.
import os import smtplib from email.message import EmailMessage userName = os.environ.get('myUserName')#Gets the email address saved in the local profile bash file password = os.environ.get('myPassword')#Gets the password saved in the local profile bash file subject = ("Welcome to CS Cafe") name = input("Welcome, please enter your name: ") mail = input("Please enter your email address: ") subscription = int(input("Would you like 1:LITE or 2:PRO subscription enter 1 or 2: ")) if subscription == (1): option = ("Lite") elif subscription == (2): option == ("Pro") body = ("Hi {}\n\nGlad to have you are onboard as a {} subscriber of CS Cafe.".format(name, option)) message = EmailMessage() message['Subject'] = (subject) message['From'] = (userName) message['To'] = (mail) message.set_content(body) #Conenct to the server 465 for ssl - 587 for tls with smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", 465) as smtp: smtp.login(userName,password) smtp.send_message(message) smtp.quit()
This section looks a combining some of the skills you will already have to create emails based on user options. Using a basic form set up using Tkinter then taking the user input to create the email tailored to their options. Watch the video to learn how this works.
Feel free to copy and use the code from below. Make changes to make it your own, and use the principles in your own GUI. |
from tkinter import * #this format means you dont have to type everytime you call it from PIL import ImageTk, Image#ImageTk to use pillow with Tk, Image to user the resize method import os import smtplib from email.message import EmailMessage #Create lists to store new users details - really they should be stored in a database firstNameList = [] lastNameList = [] emailAddList = [] userIDList = [] #Set the screen attributes screen = Tk() screen.minsize(605,615)# H / V screen.maxsize(605,615)# H / V screen.title("E-SPORTS") screen.configure(background="Black") #Setup the zones of the GUI zone1 = Canvas(screen, width = 600, height = 100, bg = "#71d0c8") = 0, y = 0) zone2 = Canvas(screen, width = 600, height = 400, bg = "#626060") = 0, y = 105) zone3 = Canvas(screen, width = 600, height = 100, bg = "#71d0c8") = 0, y = 510) #Place and resize the logo image - REMEMBER the image need to be saved int he same location as your python file #First you need to create a new image that is smaller photo ="cscafebadge.png")#Replace image details with your own image newPhoto = photo.resize((90,90), Image.ANTIALIAS) #Create a new image - Antialias minimises distortion at low res photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(newPhoto)#Assign the resized image to a variable pic = Label(zone1, image=photo, bg = "#71d0c8"),y=5) #Function runs when submit button pressed and will get the details from the form def submit(): firstName = Entry1.get() lastName = Entry2.get() emailAdd = Entry3.get() firstNameList.append(firstName) lastNameList.append(lastName) emailAddList.append(emailAdd) userID = ((len(emailAddList)) + 1) userIDList.append(userID) clearScreen()#Run the clearScreen function to clear the screen def clearScreen(): for i in zone2.winfo_children(): i.destroy() thankYouScreen()#run the function to say thank you and the submit was received def thankYouScreen(): thankYou = Label(zone2, text = "Thank you for your entry", bg = "#71d0c8") = 200, y = 100) checkEmail = Label(zone2, text = "Check Your email", bg = "#71d0c8") = 220, y = 140) email()#Run the function to send the email def email(): subject = ("Welcome to the E-Sports Competition") body = ('''Hi {}\n\nGlad to have you onboard, your entry number is ES{}\n We look forward to seeing you at the games.\n Many thanks and good luck\n Computer Science Cafe E-Sports Team'''.format(firstNameList[-1], userIDList[-1])) #Set up the message details message = EmailMessage() message['Subject'] = (subject) message['From'] = ("[email protected]")#Put your email address here message['To'] = (emailAddList[-1]) message.set_content(body) #Conenct to the server 465 for ssl - 587 for tls with smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", 465) as smtp: smtp.login('[email protected]','YOURPASSWORD')#Put your email and password here smtp.send_message(message) smtp.quit() #Title at the top of the window title = Label(zone1, text = "E-SPORTS COMPETITION ENTRY FORM", bg = "#626060") = 180, y = 40) #Place the submit button submitButton = Button(zone2,text="SUBMIT", command = submit)#Calls the function submit = 260, y = 300) submitButton.bind("")#Binds an action the the buttons #Creates a user entry box and label for First Name firstName = Label(zone2, text = "First Name", bg = "#71d0c8") = 100, y = 100) Entry1 = Entry(zone2) = 200, y = 100) #Creates a user entry box and label for Last Name lastName = Label(zone2, text = "Last Name", bg = "#71d0c8") = 100, y = 140) Entry2 = Entry(zone2) = 200, y = 140) #Creates a user entry box and label for email address emailAdd = Label(zone2, text = "Email Address", bg = "#71d0c8") = 100, y = 182) Entry3 = Entry(zone2) = 200, y = 180) screen.mainloop()#keeps the window open